Final Fantasy Crisis Core (Video Summon Bahamut Fury)

Video of Summon Bahamut Fury in Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core for PSP, Watch this Video... you will think this video is wonderfull... Bahamut in Fury or Gold Version ruins a Planet with his power... wow... that's really Cool.... So watch this Video...

Final Fantasy Crisis Core (Video Summon Bahamut)

Video Summon Bahamut in Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core for PSP, What do you think about Bahamut..... ?? is Bahamut more powerfull than Odin or no..

Final Fantasy Crisis Core (Video Summon Odin)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 5:07 AM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy Crisis Core (Video Summon Odin)

Look....!!! This is Video of Summon Odin in Final Fantasy Crisis Core for PSP, I like this video so much, because odin Look really Cool... and Powerfull

Final Fantasy Crisis Core (Video Summon Ifrit)

Video of Summon Ifrit in Final Fantasy Crisis Core for PSP, Ifrit is one of the Fire Summon in Final Fantasy Crisis Core beside Phoenix, I like Ifrit, and I think Ifrit really match with Summon Siva :-)

Final Fantasy Crisi Core (Video Summon Phoenix)

Video of Summon Phoenix in Final Fantasy Crisis Core for PSP.. Phoenix is of the fire summon in Final Fantasy Crisis Core, Phoenix is really beautiful...

Final Fantasy XII

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 4:56 AM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII

Look .... !!! The six main playable characters in Final Fantasy XII are Vaan, an energetic orphan of Rabanastre who dreams of becoming a sky pirate; Ashe, a determined princess of Dalmasca who lost her husband in the Archadian invasion; Basch, a disgraced knight of Dalmasca charged with treason for slaying the king; Balthier, a gentlemanly sky pirate who pilots his airship, the Strahl; Fran, Balthier's partner and a Viera exile whose knowledge extends to legends and myths; and Penelo, Vaan's childhood friend who accompanies him in journeys to keep an eye over him

Final Fantasy XII (Dalmasca)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 4:54 AM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (Dalmasca)

This is the scenery of Dalmasca, Dalmasca is one of the country in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2

Final Fantasy XII (BalfLear)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 4:50 AM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (BalfLear)

This is Balthier in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2, Balthier is a gentlemanly sky pirate who pilots his airship

Final Fantasy XII (Basch)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 8:39 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (Basch)

This is Basch one of the character in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2, Basch fon Ronsenburg (Basshu fon Rōzenbāgu?) is a 36 year-old Captain in the Order of Knights of Dalmasca. He was born in the Republic of Landis, along with his twin brother Noah. After the Archadian Empire conquered their homeland, Basch fled to Dalmasca, becoming a prominent and beloved member of the Kingdom.

Final Fantasy XII (Ashe)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 8:37 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (Ashe)

This is Vaan in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2, vaan is the Dalmasca's princess

Final Fantasy XII (Vaan and Ashe)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 8:34 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (Vaan and Ashe)

This is Vaan and Ashe in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2, when i was first looking them, I think they are two lover, but when I play the games, they are only friend.....

Final Fantasy XII

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 3:34 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII

This is Final Fantasy XII's logo for Playstation 2, we can see the logo describe the dalmasca's army.

Final Fantasy XII (BalFlear and Fran)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 3:31 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (BalFlear and Fran)

These are Balthier and Fran in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2, Balthier, a gentlemanly sky pirate who pilots his airship, the Strahl; Fran, Balthier's partner and a Viera exile whose knowledge extends to legends and myths; and Penelo, Vaan's childhood friend who accompanies him in journeys to keep an eye over him.

Final Fantasy XII

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 3:27 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII

We can see some character in Final Fantasy XII for Playstaion 2 in this picture such as, Vaan, an energetic orphan of Rabanastre who dreams of becoming a sky pirate; Ashe, a determined princess of Dalmasca who lost her husband in the Archadian invasion; Balthier, a gentlemanly sky pirate who pilots his airship, the Strahl; Fran, Balthier's partner and a Viera exile whose knowledge extends to legends and myths

Final Fantasy XII (Vaan)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 3:22 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (Vaan)

This is Vaan the main character in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2, actually I prefer to choose tidus in b than vaan, because i think tidur is better than vaan. :-)

Final Fantasy XII (Vaan)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 3:16 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (Vaan)

This is Vaan in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2, Vaan is the energic Young boy from dalmasca, his dream is become sky pirates, he is the main character in Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy XII (Dalmasca)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 12:16 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (Dalmasca)

This is Dalmasca's country in Final Fantasy XII, I think dalmasca is the beautifull country in Final Fantasy XII.

Final Fantasy XII (Fran)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 12:10 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII

This is Penelo in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2, Penelo is a 16 year old Hume orphan who works as a dancer in a Rabanastre bazaar and is a motherly figure to the other orphans, though they tend to make fun of her cooking skills. She learned martial arts from her now-deceased older brother, a soldier, and though small in stature, she is perfectly capable of handling herself in sticky situations. She has known Vaan since childhood, and is like a sister to him.Her parents, having taken Vaan in to care for him after his own parents died, encouraged Penelo to be like Vaan; having placed the two together when young, Vaan and Penelo care about each other a lot.

I think Penelo in Final Fantasy XII is Vaan's girlfriend.... :-)

Final Fantasy XII (Fran)

Posted by Final Fantasy Wallpaper | 12:03 PM | | 0 comments »

Final Fantasy XII (Fran)

This is Fran in Final Fantasy XII for Playstation 2, Fran is a viera warrior and wields a bow, her default weapon. She also handles the maintenance of Balthier's airship, the Strahl. The lifespan of the viera is far greater than that of humes, and many secrets lie hidden in her long history. Yet this does nothing to diminish the bond of trust between her and Balthier.

I think Fran is really cute, with her rabbit's ear and also she is really tall.